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Discount on Purchases
Posted by marlee
10/16/2013  2:54:00 AM

I am a Premium Member (have been for a year now).
I am wondering why we don't get discount on our orderings (videos - books - Music CD) while being a Premium Member?
I did order lots of videos so far and I do pay the exact same price that if I was not a Premium Member.

Thank you for your response.

Re: Discount on Purchases
Posted by Administrator
10/17/2013  10:09:00 AM
Hi Marlee,

Thank you so much for supporting our website. We really do appreciate your business, which helps us to continue to develop the website and the syllabus.

You're actually the first person to float the idea of discounts for premium members, and it's a pretty good one in concept. But there are some difficulties with it, and I'm not sure we could offer anything huge. If we did offer discounts, it would be much more as a small gesture of gratitude than any kind of substantial incentive to purchase premium membership.

At present, almost all of our inventory comes from 4 suppliers: DanceVision for the DVD's, WRD and Casa Musica for the music, and the ISTD for the books. The profit margin on Dancevision videos is good, but they set the prices and do not allow us to offer discounts (other than matching any sales they might be running). The other 3 suppliers do not have any price requirements for vendors, but the wholesale prices are already so high that I can't justify marking them up any more than I have to. So we operate on really narrow profit margins for books and CD's.

We'll give this some additional thought and get back to you on this forum with our ideas. I'm sure we can come up with something.

Jonathan Atkinson

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